What can I do..
Aduyai.. tah nape tah mlm ni terasa teringat je kt sesape je yg jauh dari sye..
kengkawan, my mucuk ( teeettt) :p hihi malu2.. * n ............
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........... ??, sape ............. ??
............... was someone in my life before..
tp skrg just remind as "bestfriend"..
tp bole ke dri xLover jd Bestfriend ??
But, sebetul-betulnye kn:
I just cant live without his guitar, his songs n his music..
senang cite, just can't forget him anyway..
sbb pe? sbb die mmg baik, ske nyanyikn lgu tuk sye :).. (the best part of him) romantic x? hihi~
maybe jodoh kteowg xpnjg kot sbb 2 xpat bersama smpai sekarang.
so, I wish him the best, wish him be happy always, wish him find someone else who can love him better than me, wish him found some one who can make him smile all the time :)
However it is, u always remind as my bestfriend mcm mane kte jnji dlu kayh.. :) also owes di ingati..
Oppss! sblm tamat, ada pesanan untk my mucuk a.k.a my LOVE:
jgn mrah tau lau bace post ni bcoz... u, the only one who always be in my heart.. dup! dup!, dup! dup!..
now, tomorrow, n forever :)